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國家青年科學基金項目“水稻耐熱相關microRNA的挖掘及其功能研究”; 必威betways 院長基因項目“防衛基因GLP對稻瘟病穗瘟抗性功能研究”; 必威betways 水稻研究所所長基金“防衛基因14-3-3稻瘟病抗病功能研究”;中山大學“有害生物防治和資源利用”國家重點實驗室2011年開放基金“水稻等作物非生物抗逆相關miRNA基因資源及其功能研究”。


(1)Qing Liu, Shijuan Yan, Tifeng Yang, Shaohong Zhang, Bin Liu, Journal of Integrative Plant Biology. 2017, Small RNAs in regulating temperature stressresponse in plants. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology,2017,59:774-791

(2)Qing Liu, Tifeng Yang, Ting Yu, Shaohong Zhang,Xingxue Mao,Junliang Zhao,Xiaofei Wang,Jingfang Dong,Bin Liu,Integrating small RNA sequencing with QTL mapping foridentification of miRNAs and their target genesassociated with heat tolerance at the flowering stagein rice,Frontiers in Plant Science, 2017, 8:43

(3)Qing Liu,Jianyuan Yang, Shijuan Yan, Shaohong Zhang, Junliang Zhao, Wenjuan Wang, TifengYang, Jingfang Dong, Xingxue Mao, Xiaofei Wang, Xiaoyuan Zhu, Bin Liu, The germin-like proteinOsGLP2-1 enhances resistance to fungal blast and bacterial blight in rice, Plant Molecular Biology, 2016, 92: 411-423

(4)Qing Liu, Jianyuan Yang, Shaohong Zhang,Junliang Zhao, Aiqing Feng, Tifeng Yang, Jingfang Dong, Xingxue Mao, Xiaofei Wang, Xiaoyuan Zhu, Hei Leung, Jan E. Leach, Bin Liu, OsGF14b Positively Regulates Panicle Blast Resistance, but Negatively Regulates Leaf Blast Resistance in Rice, Molecular Plant Microbe Interaction,2016, 29:46-56

(5)Qing Liu, Jianyuan Yang, Shaohong Zhang, Junliang Zhao, Aiqing Feng, Tifeng Yang, Xingxue Mao, Jingfang Dong, Xiaofei Wang, Xiaoyuan Zhu, Hei Leung, Jan E. Leach, Bin Liu,OsGF14e Positively Regulates Panicle Blast Resistance in rice, Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 2016, 471: 247-52

(6)Qing Liu, Shaohong Zhang,Bin Liu, 14-3-3 proteins: Macro-regulators with great potential for improving abiotic stress tolerance in plants,Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 2016, 477: 9-13

(7)Qing Liu,Yueqin Chen*, A new mechanism in plant engineering: The potential roles of microRNAs in molecular breeding for crop improvement, Biotechnology Advances,2010, 28(3):301-307

(8)Qing Liu, Yuchan Zhang, Congying Wang, Yuchun Luo, Qiaojuan Huang, Shaoyu Chen, Hui Zhou, Lianghu Qu, Yueqin Chen*, Expression analysis of phytohormone-regulated microRNAs in rice, implying their regulation roles in plant hormone signaling, Febs Letters,2009, 583(4): 723 -728

(9)Qing Liu,Yueqin Chen*, Insights into the mechanism of plant development: Interactions of miRNAs pathway with phytohormone response,Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications,2009, 384(1):1-5

(10)Congying Wang, Yueqin Chen,Qing Liu*,Sculpting the meristem: the roles of miRNAs in plant stem cells.Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications,2011, 409(1):363-6.



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