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時間:2023-08-29 11:40 來源:本網 【字體:

主任:趙均良 研究員(Email:otest@163.com)

副主任:楊梯豐 研究員(Yang2004009@163.com)








1. 國家基金委與國際水稻研究所聯合基金項目:水稻稻瘟病廣譜抗性新基因的鑒定及機製研究(2015-2019,255萬元。劉斌主持);

2. 國家基金委與國際水稻研究所聯合基金項目:水稻黑條矮縮病抗性基因的鑒定與機製研究(2017-2022,60萬,2017年立項,劉斌專題主持);

3. 廣東省科技廳應用型科技研發專項(重大項目):水稻重要性狀相關基因鑒定及多基因高效聚合育種研究(2015-2018,800萬,劉斌主持);

4. 廣東省科技廳農村科技領域(重點項目):多樣性國際稻種重要性狀的全基因組關聯分析(2015-2018,100萬,劉斌主持);

5. 廣東省現代農業產業技術體係農業種業共性關鍵技術創新團隊項目(2016-2017,100萬,劉斌團隊首席專家、項目主持);

6. 廣東省現代農業產業技術體係農業種業共性關鍵技術創新團隊項目(2017-2018,100萬,劉斌團隊首席專家、項目主持);

7. 廣東省廣州市科創委重點項目:水稻稻米品質和直播相關性狀全基因組遺傳解析(2018-2020,200萬,張少紅主持);

8. 中央引導地方科技發展專項項目(2017-2019,70萬,劉斌主持);

9. 廣東省科技計劃粵港聯合創新領域項目:水稻耐冷性基因鑒定及分子機製研究(2017-2018,50萬,張少紅合作主持);










19.必威betways 院長基金項目:水稻PPR基因OsPPR1-6的耐冷功能研究(2015-2017,15萬元,董景芳主持);

20.必威betways 院長基金項目:水稻抽穗開花期耐冷主效QTLqCTH-6-1的精細定位和克隆(2014-2016,15萬,楊梯豐主持)




1.Shaohong Zhang1,2†, Xiuying He1,2†, Junliang Zhao1,2, Yongsheng Cheng1,2, Zhimei Xie3§, Yuehan Chen1,2,Tifeng Yang1,2, Jingfang Dong1,2, Qing Liu1,2, Xiaofei Wang1,2, Zhaoming Chen1,2,Wei Liu1,2, Xingxue Mao1,2,Hua Fu1,2, Yaoping Liao1,2and Bin Liu1,2*. Identification and validation of a novel major QTL for harvest index in rice (Oryza sativaL.).Rice, 2017, 10: 44, DOI 10.1186/s12284-017-0183-0;

2.Zhao Junliang, Zhang Shaohong*, Dong Jingfang, Yang Tifeng, Mao Xingxue, Liu Qing, Wang Xiaofei, Liu Bin*. AA novel functional gene associated with cold tolerance at the seedling stage in rice.PlantBiotechology Journal,2017,DOI: 10.1111/pbi.12704;

3.Qing Liu, Yue-Qin Chen*, Shijuan Yan, Tifeng Yang, Shaohong Zhang, Bin Liu*Small RNAs in regulating temperature stress response in plants.Journal of Integrative Plant Biology, 2017,doi: 10.1111/jipb.12571;

4.Liu Qing†, Yang Tifeng†, Yu Ting†, Zhang Shaohong, Mao Xingxue, Zhao Junliang,Wang Xiaofei, Dong Jingfang and Liu Bin*.Integrating Small RNAS equencing with QTL Mapping for Identification of miRNAs and TheirTargetGenes Associated with Heat Tolerance at the Flowering Stage in Rice.Frontiers in Plant Science,2017, doi: 10.3389/fpls.2017.00043;

5. Qing Liu, Jianyuan Yang, Shijuan Yan, Shaohong Zhang, JunliangZhao,Wenjuan Wang, Tifeng Yang, Xiaofei Wang, Xingxue Mao, Jingfang Dong, Xiaoyuan Zhu*, Bin Liu*.The germin-like protein OsGLP2-1 enhances resistance to fungal blast andbacterial blight inrice.PlantMolecular Biology,2016,92: 411-423;

6.Qing Liu, Jianyuan Yang, Shaohong Zhang, Junliang Zhao, AiqingFeng,Tifeng Yang,Xiaofei Wang, Xinxue Mao, Jingfang Dong, Xiaoyuan Zhu, Hei Leung, Jan E. Leach,and Bin Liu*.OsGF14b Positively Regulates Panicle Blast Resistance but Negatively Regulates Leaf BlastResistance in Rice.Molecular Plant-microbe Interactions, 2016,29: 46-56;

7.Junliang Zhao,Shaohong Zhang, Tifeng Yang, ZichongZeng, Zhanghui Huang,Qing Liu, Xiaofei Wang, Jan Leach, Hei Leung and Bin Liu* Global transcriptional profiling of a cold-tolerant rice variety under moderate cold stress revealsdifferentcold stress response mechanisms.PhysiologiaPlantarum,2015, 154: 381–394;

8.Tifeng Yang, Shaohong Zhang, Junliang Zhao, Qing Liu, Zhanghui Huang,Xingxue Mao, Jingfang Dong, Xiaofei Wang .Guiquan Zhang*, Bin Liu*.Identification and pyramiding of QTLs for cold tolerance at the bud bursting and the seedlingstage byuse of single segment substitution lines in rice. Molecular Breeding, 2016,doi:10.1007/s11032-016-0520-9;

9. Qing Liu, Shaohong Zhang, Bin Liu*.14-3-3 proteins: Macro-regulators with great potential for improving abiotic stress tolerance in plants.Biochemical and

Biophysical Research Communications,2016,477: 9-13;

10.Qing Liu,Jianyuan Yang,Shaohong Zhang,Junliang Zhao,Aiqing Feng,Tifeng Yang,Xiaofei Wang,Xingxue Mao,Jingfang Dong,Xiaoyuan Zhu,Hei Leung,Jan E. Leach,Bin Liu* OsGF14e positively regulates panicle blast resistance in rice.Biochemical and BiophysicalResearchCommunications,2016,471: 247-252;

11. Zhang, S.H., Zheng, J.S., Liu, B.*, Peng, S.B., Leung, H., Zhao, J.L., Yang, T.F., Huang, Z..Identification of QTLs for cold tolerance at seedling stage in rice (Oryza sativa L.)using twodistinctmethods of cold treatment.Euphytica, 2014, 195:95-104;

12. Liu Y, Liu B, Zhu X Y et al. Fine-mapping and molecular marker development forPi56(t),a NBS-LRR gene conferring broad-spectrum resistance toMagnaportheoryzae in rice.TheorAppl Genet,2013, 126:985–998;

13. Yan Liu, Xiaoyuan Zhu, Shaohong Zhang, MarichuBernado, Jeremy Edwards, David W Galbraith, Jan Leach, Gaisheng Zhang, Bin Liu,Hei Leung. Dissecting quantitative resistance against blast disease using heterogeneous inbred family ines in rice.TheorAppl Genet,2011,122(2): 341-353;

14.Manosalva P, Davidson R, Liu B, Zhu X, Hulbert S, Leung H, and Leach J. A Germin-Like Protein Gene Family Functions as a Complex QTL Conferring Broad-SpectrumDisease Resistance in Rice.Plant Physiology,2009, 149: 286 –296;

15.Edwards J, Janda J, Sweeney M, Gaikwad A, Liu B, Leung H and Galbraith D.Development and evaluation of a high-throughput, low-cost genotyping platform

based onoligonucleotide microarrays in rice.Plant Methods, 2008, 4:13-24;

16.Raghavan C, Elizabeth M, Naredo B, Wang H, Liu B, Qiu F, McNally K, Leung H. Rapid method for detecting SNPs on agarose gels and its application in

candidate gene mapping.Mol. Breeding, 2007,19:87-101;

17.Liu B, Zhang SH, Zhu XY, Yang QY, Wu SZ, Mei MT, Mauleon R, Leach J, Mew T, LeungH. 2004. Candidate defense genes as predictors of quantitative blast diseaseresistance in rice.Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions 17(10):1146–1152;

18.Bin Liu, Xiao Yuan Zhu, Shaohong Zhang, Jianli Wu, Seong-Sook Han, Young-Chan Cho,Jae-Hwan Roh, Jan Leach, Yan Liu, Suzette Madamba, AliceBordeos, Marietta Baraoidan,IsabelitaOña, Casiana Vera Cruz, Hei Leung. 2009.What it takes to achieve durable resistance to rice blast? In:Advances in Genetics, Genomics and Control of Rice Blast Disease.Guoliang Wang, Barbara Valent eds. Springer. pp 385 -402;

19. Leach J E, Davidson R,Liu B, et al. 2007. Understanding broad-spectrum, durable resistance in rice. In:Rice Genetics V.Darshan S Brar, David J Mackill& Bill

Hardy, editors.WorldScientific Publishing Co. p191-208 ;

23.Leach J E, Liu B, Manosalva P, Wu C J, Wu J L, Bordeos A, Bai J F, Lee S W,Ryba-White M, Bruce M, Hulbert S, Hopkins C, Vera Cruz C and Leung H. 2005.Dissection of durable resistance in rice. In: TsuyumuS et. al., editors.Genomic and genetic analysis of plant parasitism and defense.St. Paul, Minn.: APS Press. p 164-173;

24.Leach J E, Liu B, Wu J, Lee S W, Hulbert S, Vera Cruz C and Leung H. 2004.Co-evolution and breeding in fungal pathosystems. In: Tikhonovich I, Lugtenberg

B and Provorov N, editors.Biology of plant-microbe interactions, Vol. 4:Molecular plant-microbe interactions: new bridges between past and future. St.Paul, Minn.: APS Press. P 263-269;




24.楊梯豐、張少紅、王曉飛、黃章慧、趙均良、張桂權、劉斌 2012.水稻抽穗開花期耐熱種質資源的篩選鑒定。華南農業大學學報,33(4):585-588;

25. 趙均良、張少紅、劉斌。應用高分辨率熔解曲線技術進行水稻分子標記分析2011。中國農業科學,44(18):3701-3708;

26.楊梯豐、劉傳光、潘大建、範芝蘭、李晨、陳建酉、劉斌、江奕君、高雲、周漢欽。2011。空間誘變育成水稻品種航香糯的SSR標記分析。核農學報,25( 6) : 1065-1071;


28. 張少紅、劉斌、朱小源、楊健源、伍尚忠、Hei Leung. 2006. 三黃占2號稻瘟病抗性與稻米直鏈澱粉含量的關係研究。作物學報,32(2):159-163;

29. 伍尚忠,朱小源,劉斌,楊祈雲,張少紅,H. Leung 2004.秈稻品種三黃占2號稻瘟病持久抗性鑒定及遺傳分析。中國農業科學,37(4):528-534;

30. 伍尚忠、羅林、張少紅、楊祁雲,朱小源、劉斌。1998。廣東省稻瘟病菌DNA指紋分析及其譜型結構。植物病理學報,28(4):323-330;

32. 伍尚忠、朱小源、楊祁雲、羅林、劉斌、張少紅、H. Leung、T. Mew。1999。應用分子標記技術鑒證稻瘟病菌宗譜與寄主遺傳背景的親緣關係。中國農業科學, 32(6):56-62;

33. 楊祁雲、張少紅、伍尚忠、朱小源、劉斌。2000。廣東稻瘟病的遺傳宗譜與致病性的關係。植物保護學報,27(4):289-294。




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