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Phospholipase Dα6 and phosphatidic acid regulate gibberellin signaling in rice

時間:2022-04-07 13:05 來源: 【字體:

Huasheng Cao, Rong Gong, Shu Yuan, Yuan Su, Weixin Lv, Yimeng Zhou,Qingqing Zhang, Xianjun Deng, Pan Tong, Shihu Liang*, Xuemin Wang,** & Yueyun Hong1,***

EMBO reports


Phospholipase D (PLD) hydrolyzes membrane lipids to producephosphatidic acid (PA), a lipid mediator involved in various cellularand physiological processes. Here, we show that PLDa6 andPA regulate the distribution of GIBBERELLIN (GA)-INSENSITIVEDWARF1 (GID1), a soluble gibberellin receptor in rice. PLDa6-knockout (KO) plants display less sensitivity to GA than WT, and PArestores the mutant to a normal GA response. PA binds to GID1, asdocumented by liposome binding, fat immunoblotting, and surfaceplasmon resonance. Arginines 79 and 82 of GID1 are two key aminoacid residues required for PA binding and also for GID1’s nuclearlocalization. The loss of PLDa6 impedes GA-induced nuclear localizationof GID1. In addition, PLDa6-KO plants attenuated GAinduceddegradation of the DELLA protein SLENDER RICE1 (SLR1).These data suggest that PLDa6 and PA positively mediate GAsignaling in rice via PA binding to GID1 and promotion of itsnuclear translocation.

Keywords:gibberellin signaling; GID1 receptor; phosphatidic acid;Phospholipase; rice


地址:廣州市金穎東一街3號 郵編:510640
